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Rubyslava Conf’15

18. júna 2015 @ 18:0023:00


Rubyslava is celebrating 50th meetup with a free conference at Connect Coworking!


Beyond basics with Elasticsearch (Honza Král, Elastic)

Elasticsearch has many use cases, some of them fairly obvious and widely used, like plain searching through documents or analytics. In this talk I would like to go through some of the more advanced scenarios we have seen in the wild. Some examples of what we will
cover: Meaningful connections – how you can use the aggregation framework to go beyond simple „counting“ and make use of the full-text properties of Elasticsearch. Percolator – percolator is reversed search and many people use it as such to drive alerts or „stored search“ functionality for their website, let’s look at how we can use it to detect languages, geo locations or drive live search.

OpenShift v3: New generation of PaaS (Michal Fojtik, Red Hat)

New version of OpenShift an open-source PaaS from Red Hat is based on Docker and Kubernetes orchestration for deployment on clusters. This enables a eases deployment of microservices architectures. Deep dive into technical details and a live demo real-world application deployment.

API Design Life Cycle & API Blueprint (Honza Javorek, Apiary)

As APIs are often sitting on boundaries between groups of developers with very different expectations and use cases, problems resulting from one-sided waterfall development are even worse than usual. First part of my talk will show you how to avoid waterfalls by employing iterations, prototyping, communication with client developers and testing. The second part of the presentation will be focused on how API Blueprint and its ecosystem fit into this concept and how they help to deliver APIs the right way. I’ll present new API Blueprint and Apiary features and I’ll also give some sneak peeks on still to be announced features (shshshsh!), which can help you to get the most from the API Blueprint and Apiary.

Implementation of anomaly detection in time series network data (Andreas Kopecky, RadarServices)

To detect anomalies in network traffic and thus possible security issues it is essential to differentiate between normal and abnormal states. Security events are counted and analyzed for that reason but are changing in numbers with regard to business hours, weekends, etc. The statistical model to solve the challenge is presented including visual representation of the analyses as well as the implementation in PyMC3. Furthermore the reasons for not being able to use Ruby in that case are highlighted.

Rubyslava Conf is sponsored by toptal, Platon Technologies andJetBrains. Get a free yearly licence for a JetBrains editor of your choice. Win ebooks from Manning Publications. Get free „SQL Performance explained“ swag. Drinks are sponsored by Toptal & Platon Technologies.

Invite your friends!

Emergency contact: +421 903 919 128 Jano Suchal


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18. júna 2015
18:00 – 23:00